Sunday 31 October 2010

"Expand on your Saturday," said my brain...

This is me dressed as the White Rabbit. Your argument is invalid.

At the time of taking this picture, I had been in costume for twenty hours. Even now, [at time of writing] seven hours later, I can feel the ears as if they were still there and it feels weird to not be wearing a hood.

Typically (or ironically, if you prefer), due to a late night beforehand and an assortment of tube closures I spent most of the early afternoon being late. I got a lot of good reactions before I'd met with a single one of the people I was planning to see in the day and a fair few photos of me with people I don't know are now stored in the cameras, phones and Facebooks of total strangers.

In my last booth, you saw gathering no.1. In the middle of people doing their Apple Store booths from that, I had to run off to the London Bridge Experience where I met up with gathering no.2 from YouTube.

The LBE was fun and somewhat scary and i would advise going but make sure you book ahead as a group cause I wouldn't say it's worth the full standard price.

After we'd eaten, we went to Bermonsey(sp?) Square for an outdoor showing of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The atmosphere was very much the kind of thing I love about these Autumn/Winter months; people wrapped up warm with bobble hats and scarves and blankets, huddling together with hot pork sandwiches and witnessing pretty glowing things. The round of applause Jack and Sally's kiss got was lovely too.

We got the indoors drinking started in a local 'Spoons and as there were many mini-groups of us not going to the same place we all said our goodbyes to various people. Only to then encounter all said people again at the tube station as there was only one open anywhere near us. Another couple rounds of goodbyes later and we headed off to After Skool Klub.

I love this club and I've been there a fair few times but the length of the queue was unprecedented. After waiting for the whole length of it for 45 minutes, Alex decided to go home instead. Tom Webster managed to get in with the ropeiest ID I've ever seen work (though he is old enough) and Jade must have spent more money putting her hat and bag and coat and etcetera in the cloakroom than she did on entry.

The whole night long there were people handing out free sweets and lollipops which helped keep me dancing and the music is always awesome so you're never more than a bar visit away from something worth a dancefloor inning.

It transpired that there was a competition for best costume. I'll admit, I thought I had a shot of winning something even though I'd left the jacket and gloves in the cloakroom. But as the smaller prizes were announced (with Teoh's well composited Edward Scissorhands winning VIP Soulwax tickets) I figured maybe it wasn't to happen. They announced the first and second places and it turned out that the second place person had left the club so they took a couple of songs to reconsider before announcing that I was the new second place winner. Not gonna lie, that was pretty awesome. I am now awaiting an email to see how I get my iPod touch OR £200.

The journey home was less long than Friday but still long. Maz very helpfully assisted in the recovery of my ears after a drunk grabbed them off my head, and my incredibly long day resulted in napping on the bus which became missing my stop by about 15 minutes and waiting to get the returning bus for around another half hour.

Hence the boothed picture. I had to have my own record of this night just in case the rest of the photos taken in the day were to somehow never make their way to me.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see you as always! Glad you had a good weekend :) I knew when i joined the queue for ASK that my lift was on it's way - I wasn't quite so stupid that i just gave up when we got to the front. :P

    Still, maybe next time?
    Magix x
