Saturday 3 April 2010

Doctor of Who!!!

New Doctor Who!!!! [He exclaimed, with both necessity and frivolity]

I enjoyed it. Let me list things that I liked about it.


Oh yeah this is my blog, I don't need permission! ^_^

First things first; I like the new titles. Something about the font and the images brought to mind the New Adventures books and that is a #VeryGoodThing. Not sure if it was our sound settings but we had a couple of comprehension issues with the sound, therefore I'm not yet certain if the new theme is housed within my memory yet and therefore I'll comment on that later.

I'm not sure if it's wholly to do with the HD-ness but I'd say I certainly felt that the whole thing had a book-like atmosphere to it. Again the New Adventures feel buzzed over me and there was a very completely realised yet very "fantasy" world feel to the whole thing. Equally, there were references to all the social networking sites, internet porn, computer viruses and the completely modern-world-ubiquitous camera-phone.

I feel like Stephen Moffat is making a very beloved series into a very well crafted tale of legend.

As it should be.

Matt Smith -is- The Doctor. Manners and all. He doesn't appear to be acting at all which is wonderful.

Karen Gillan is very confident in her role and I look forward to seeing her tackle the variety of positions that her companionship will throw at her. I think we may well see her shine when Amy is emotionally challenged.

Very right of them to have a new set of directors this year and I definitely felt that the whole of it was shot for shot, visually interesting and well framed. Again, storybook with depth is screaming at me like a harpy ^_^

In short, I loved it and am very pleased that it's here and in it's present form.

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