Saturday 12 June 2010

Things That Occured To Me Today

I like this blog.

I like writing lots of stuff with a modicum of purpose and I'm a huge fan of re-reading something I wrote in the past. So I figured that I should get to writing more stuff.

I like people.

I like talking to people online and I like seeing people in person. It's dismaying to realise that I'm not likely to see any internet people in real space until the beginning of August due to lack of money. It does, however make me want to visit my generous grandparents, so that's a good thing.

I like not-people.

As mush as I enjoy seeing people, I don't like it when people feel like I am in anyway their concern or responsibility. I realised that after the escapades of last Saturday (, Tino was put in a position where he was made to feel guilty for putting himself in (relatively marginal) danger and therefore not looking after others. I don't think I could have took that criticism as graciously as he did. I would have told everyone to leave me to my own devices and trust that I can look after myself and said that others should be capable of doing the same. Though admittedly I'd have probably phrased it into the far more succinct: "Fuck off". I kind of expect people to trust that I'm able to look after myself and not hold themselves in a worry state over whether I'll make it from one day to the next. Simultaneously...

I would like to have a someone.

As much as the "Stay Single" resolution has resulted in mucho friend making and easy outs at times; I feel like I might make the complete opposite resolution next year. I don't think it'll be easy to find someone with the right temperament to match my own contradictory mental barometer but I'm certain I'd feel better having someone to talk to and cuddle and... other things. Though, if I'm honest, the "other things" are actually the least pressing part of the hope. I really feel that I'm getting too boxed in here, in spite of my many jaunts elsewhere. The somewhat inevitable move out of this house in January will hopefully help, as will the full realisation that...

I should be looking for a different job.

I need more stable hours and/or more money and neither will happen at my current place of work, ever. Plus, in September I'll have been in my job for five years. Time to go, Little Miss Muffett counting down from 7-3-0.

I think that helped. I like to talk in first person about myself. Someone stab me with a sharp truth before I get an ego.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to some things that occured to you.
    For instance, that I should write more stuff...
    So I can have more to re-read :-P

    That job things sounds sad. :-/
    Do you think it will be easy to find a better job?

    btw. self-centred FTW! :-)
