Tuesday 29 December 2009

Long Night

Sat on the front desk and people are a lot less scarce than I'd hoped. I just had cheese on toast on my break and it seems that the world is taunting my thrift by bringing in McDonalds and Chinese food, tempting me with the 2-4-1 offer at Dominos and just generally passing pleasant wafts of lovely food past my face.

I'm starting to seriously consider trekking across town at the end of the shift just to get something tasty. Considering the weather and the fact that I'm staying here tonight, that would be most silly. But it'd be *good*.

Ran foul of my utter lack of timekeeping today and inspite of using a completely different method to reach work I walked through the doors at the usual barely-o-clock. It's really quite absurd how no-one ever admonishes me for it in the face of it being a daily occurance. Just shows how much value they place on me turning up at all I suppose.

It's quite pleasing that I'm entrusted to be the point of call overnight in the hotel but also quite lame that I don't get to return home at the end of the shift. I guess I should be glad that I don't have to spend 2 of the 8 hours between shifts travelling but after having a week of living in that room and that house with all the home comforts within, I'd welcome the journey. Though not the earlier alarm.

Back home there is also my new books and my new Doctor Who DVDs as delivered by Amazon five days late. There's my Sentai discs and my comics. There's my webcam and my MSN friends list. On balance though, here I have nothing but a book and my DS. At least here my distractions are finite. Perhaps I may actually sleep.

But first I'll probably nom.

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