Tuesday 29 December 2009


This is how it goes. You get angry at yourself. And... Something something something (Darkside)

Odd how sometimes all that comes to mind is something that immediately leads to a song you don't know well and that digresses to unreadable digression on how your mind digresses. But I digress. Frequently.

Back to work tomorrow. In a week of festivities, I've gotten back in touch with some old friends, spent a great deal of money, moved house, gained a decent amount of money, opened some underwhelming presents and been irritated by the incapacity of Royal Mail to stick to a simple rule of delivery. I now have a decent layer of hair on my face and a higher quantity of that face on the internet.

This is the point where I should be resting on my laurels to prepare for the return of being at work. Not the return of actual work as the only busy shift in the foreseeable future will be on New Year's Eve, but I am obliged to man the Reception desk for a couple of shifts before then. Even at this time, eleven hours prior to the start of that babysitting period, I'm sat in front of the computer, typing up the opening chapter of another online faucet to let out the stagnant water-tank between my ears.

I should be asleep. I should be glad to have had this time off and achieved some rest and a little social interaction. I'm just sat here moaning that it's done and I haven't done all I wanted.

It's pretty standard fare in many respects for me. I'm starting to truly appreciate how impossible it is for me to actually acheive any of the billions of goals I've set myself. I've got dreams of one day being up to date with X and finished with Y. To have re-watched the whole of Z and started A though W with an eye for absolute completion. They are dreams I hold dear. But they are dreams alone. Like the time I've spent going through my old possessions to find the disposable, I now find myself cherry picking the few pursuits I can squeeze into my personal time and the few that I can do alongside others, casting all other things to a digital library overflowing with unachievable fantasies.

In a highly verbose way I'm saying I haven't the time. So I started a new blog.

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